Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Season for Everything

One of the biggest lessons we learn as a Christian is that there is a season for everything. And these seasons don't last forever. The good and the bad comes and goes. In the valleys we are strengthen, taught to rely on God for our provisions and most importantly to trust in the plan he has developed for us. During the good we get a chance to sit back and marvel at the amazing things God has provided for us, and look back on the journey that brought us to where we are.

My time at City Life started in a fairly shallow way. I wasn't truly seeking God or the plan he had for me. My cousin and his wife had just had baby who I instantly fell in love with. Going to City Life meant I got to spend a few extra precious moments with him each week before and after service. It quickly morphed into more. I started longing to be there, longing to find ways to be involved.

One Sunday three almost four summers ago, Joey Fink walked up to me to see if I would consider going on the upcoming missions trip as a leader. At this point in my life I had never been on a missions trip, I had only been to the occasional retreat. I honestly didn't feel equipped to do it. In ways only God can design things began to fall into place for me to go. The next thing I knew I was on a bus heading to Indianapolis. Never did I expect those 5 days to effect me the way they did. 

I came back with a desire to work with kids, students. At the time I thought it was just by being a student leader. Almost four years later I know it was setting the path to guide me towards my current job at Wichita State. 

It's funny how God uses seasons. My time with students has lead to probably the most significant development of my faith. I've grown not only in my knowledge of Christ but in the confidence of who God has designed me to be, and for one of the first times in my life I know I'm where I'm suppose to be. God used my time with these kids, to not just develops them but to develop me. I praise him and thank him for the relationships I have gained, the memories it has given me, and the love I've been privy to experience. 

It's with a heavy and somewhat excited heart that I have made the decision to step down from the student leadership team. But what is cool is I'm not completely stepping away from working with students, just moving into a different age demographic. God has presented me with some unique opportunities to become involved more with campus organizations. I'm going to get the chance to hopefully work more with students on campus and help them through their college years. For anyone that knows me, you know my own college years were at time rocky and I wish I had had a someone to walk along side me.

So thank you Joey Fink for giving me this amazing opportunity. To the student leaders past and present that have become family, I love you and I know students is in very capable hands. To the students, I have grown to love you like my own kids, you are special, talented and amazing gifts from God, thank you for letting me be a small part of your journey. Please know I will always be a phone call/text away. But most importantly thank you God for this life changing season, while there were ups and downs during it, I can see how how you were growing, developing, maturing, and leading me to the opportunities I have now. The opportunities that would not have been possible with out this season.