I haven't been on here in a while since not much has been going on but I thouhg that I would up date things a little. The next month should bring a lot more exciting blogs, but for now heres what I've got.
Saturday Mac deployed for two and a half months, and part of me really misses him. I mean he is my little brother and he does get on my nervous like 90% of the time but at the same time he IS my little brother and I do love him and I am so very proud of him! He is doing someting that there are so many people in our country that would never go out and serve their country in the way that our military does. He really is one of my heros. So if you don't support the things that are going on, please at least support those that are protecting our country and serving it so that we are able to live the lives that we have. I love you Mac and want you to know how VERY proud of you I am.
On a totally different note my mom and I bought an eliptical on Sunday and it is really kicking my butt! Not to make excuses but the ones I am use to working out on at the gym are electric and I never thought that it would make a big difference but man does it, the one we bought is not electric and is only powered but me, myself and I. Yesterday I was able to do about 15 min and burn 265 calories, and today I was able to do 20 min and burn 330 calories. I knew that I was out of shape but I really did not think that it was that bad. Each day I am going to try and either increase the length of time that I work out or at least try and burn more calories in the same amount of time as the day before. But I have to say I am really enjoying the fatigue feeling in my arms and legs after working out. It really is the best feeling in the world. My mom says that like my brothers I get a high off of it and she might be right. We will just have to see how things progress. Working out has always been a love hate relationship with me, I hate doing it, I hate what ever I am working out on (I really hated my eliptical today!) but I LOVE the way I feel after a great workout, I love pushing my self further than I thought I could go and usually I love the results.
Heres I little peak at what I have coming up in the next month: A trip to Dallas, Randy Travis concert, John Mayor concert, Matt Wertz and Five For Fighting Concert, Dad and Kathy coming up to Wichita to see the family, Oh and my 26th birthday. I should have some good blogs coming up stay tuned. Thats all for now... Talk to you all later.
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